The Estate Conversions Team
Family caregivers in Orlando - those who take care of an older adult - do exceptional work! As Certified Senior Housing Professionals - Realtors who help family caregivers and seniors in the sale of a family home and move to a new phase of life - we at Estate Conversions regularly come across people who are at the forefront of this demanding time in life.
It's part of our job to know as much as possible about opportunities that can make life a bit better and easier for both those caregivers and their loved ones. I wanted to use this blog post to provide information on some of the community resources available to family caregivers across central Florida.
If you're the family caregiver of a veteran in Orlando, from Oviedo to Lake Mary to Live Oak to Winter Springs to Altamonte, the Veterans Administration provides a wide variety of resources to help not only the veteran, but also YOU - the family caregiver of a veteran. These include respite programs, the free, online workshop "Building Better Caregivers," and plenty of other assistance.
Elinor Splitter, MA, MSW, LCSW: 321-397-6465
James Conte, MSW : 407-646-4055
Jane Hoke Otto, RN: 407-271-2311
Richard Kennedy, RN: 407-646-4100
A fantastic local resource for Orlando family caregivers of those with these illnesses.
Based on income with sliding scale fees
Central Florida's Area Agency on Aging serving seniors, caregivers and aging services providers in Brevard, Orange, Osceola and Seminole Counties.
As Certified Senior Housing Professionals, we at the Estate Conversions Team - Lisa D'Aloise and Michele Moon - consider it an honor to help boomers, seniors, and family caregivers with any and all questions they may have about the caregiving or downsizing/moving process. Reach us anytime here or fill out the contact form on the right sidebar.